School Fire

School Fire is very similar to any other type of fire protection with the exception that a school is full of young people who have very little experience in life much less how to handle an emergency situation such as a fire.


Schools are very similar to all buildings in that they need several types of fire protection. Now days all schools have computers, a kitchen with a commercial hood and exhaust system, other electrical equipment. Many Schools also have a biology and a chemistry lab which will need a specific type of fire extinguisher called a D-type fire extinguisher. .


All schools with the exception of very exclusive private schools function on a very limited and strict budget. churches start out very small and have a very small budget. But, fortunately most schools make sure that fire protection is a high priority. All schools must have an adequate amount of up to date functional fire extinguishers of the appropriate type. The type of fire extinguisher most commonly found in a school will be ABC type fire extinguishers. Schools usually container many 10 pound ABC fire extinguishers. A few smaller schools and daycares will have 5 pound ABC fire extinguishers. But, for larger schools 5 pound ABC fire extinguishers are not adequate because of the potential of larger fires and the distance from the potential a school fire to where the fire extinguisher is hung on the wall.


In addition to ABC fire type fire extinguishers, Schools will need to have at least one CO2 type fire extinguisher or Halon Fire extinguisher any and all locations where there is computer or electronic equipment. Electronic equipment includes amplifiers, video, and audio recording equipment as well as electrical rooms. This type of fire extinguisher extinguishes electrical fires without causing additional damage to the electrical equipment.


Most schools have a kitchen with a stove, fryer or other type of cooking device. Because of the potential of a grease or cooking oil laden school fire there is a requirement to have a k-class type fire extinguisher within 30 feet of the cooking appliances.. K-Class type fire extinguishers are specifically designed to extinguisher grease and cooking oil fires without causing a splash or “explosion” and without spreading the flames. Do not ever try to extinguisher these types of fires with water. These k-class fire extinguishers contains and a specific kind of liquid that covers the burning area and cuts off the oxygen supply then puts out the fire.  All fire extinguishers regardless of type are required to be serviced by a professional fire protection company at least on an annual basis. Fire extinguishers are also required to be put through a test involving breaking down the fire extinguisher and replacing internal parts on a 6 year basis. In addition, every twelve years the fire extinguisher must be professionally hydrotested.


Schools that have a commercial range hood also are required to have a fire suppression system to be professionally installed by a fire protection company. In case of a kitchen school fire the fire suppression system should automatically activate and extinguisher a small fire. Many different companies make different brands of kitchen fire suppression systems. If you have ever worked in a restaurant you may be more familiar with some brands of fire suppression systems and not others. All fire suppression systems that are used commercially must be approved by Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL). So, regardless of the brand all commercial kitchen fire suppression systems have to have UL approval and are sold through professional fire protection companies. You do not have to worry about this because if the fire marshal approves the fire suppression system it is UL listed.  The fire suppression system is designed to use a liquid type fire suppressant to extinguisher cooking fires caused cooking on appliances under nozzles that extend from the range hood. Kitchen fire suppression systems are required to be serviced every 6 months.

To help prevent school fires a kitchen fire suppression system must be serviced every 6 months. The range hood and duct must be cleaned by a professional hood and duct cleaning company every 3 to 6 months per fire code depending on the amount of use. Must school hood and ducts are generally cleaned every 6 months.


Schools also have exit lights and emergency lights which will need to be checked per fire code at least annually.  For any of these services please call Fesco Online Fire Extinguisher Training Certification In Class Fire Protection Training Certification Online Restaurant Protection Training Certification | Fire Consultants "Fire Extinguisher Training and Certification NFPA 10 Certification and Training, NFPA 17a Training Certification, NFPA 17 Training Certification" Company, LLC, New York, NY, Newark, NJ, Los Angeles, at (205) 666-1194?. We give special discounts to schools.


For School Fire Protection Sales and Service Please Contact Us at (205) 666-1194? or by email at [email protected] Ph :(205) 666-1194?


For A Quote on School Fire Protection Please Contact Us.


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